In 1701 there was no crofters under neither Bøyum or Tufte. In 1801
there were 2 crofters under Tufte, and more than one under
One of the two on Tufte was Ola Endreson Mæland. He was born in 1758 and
married in 1783 with Brita Kolbeinsdtr. Eitorngjerde, the widow of Sjur
Olson Haugen before was crofter on the smallholding. Sjur died in 1782
and left an hour and a son, Ola Sjurson, at the time a teacher at Vangsnes
and Outer "Strondi". He died on the smallholding Halvteig during
Tue in 1835.
Ola Endreson and Brita who married in 1783 got 5 children,
but these were only 3 that grew up. It was change that came to Njøs,
Sjur who traveled from village and Kolbein who came to Menes. Brita
Kolbeinsdtr. died in 1811, and Ola Endreson married again with Mari
Torsdtr. Kråknes. She died all year, and so was Olagift again with
Gertrude Endresdtr. Hamarnes. She died without having had children
in 1847, Ola Endreson died in 1836.
Whoever came after Ola Endreson was Sjovat Knutson Suppellen. He was
born in 1797 and married in 1830 with Kari Larsdtr. Bøyum. Sjovat
died all in 1838 and had by his widow and two children: Knut and
Randi. Of these emigrated Knut to America, and Randi married Ellend
Hansson Kvam from Hafslo. The widow was married again with Ola
Stilaugson Stølen got the smallholding. Ola and Kari got 2 children:
Sjovat got smallholding after his father and Kristi who emigrated to
America. Their mother died in 1869, while his father lived until
Sjovat Olson was born in 1842 and married in 1864 with Unni Olsdtr.
Kvam (born 1836). They had 6 children that we know of. It was Ola
and Unni who emigrated to America, Synneva who married Hans Olson
Rødsætneset, Randi who was on the smallholding, and Kari and Olina
we do not know more about.
Randi Sjovatsdtr. married Klaus Olson Porridge Neset. They had
the smallholding after this.
The second smallholding under Bøyum 1801 was Anders Olson Tufte.
He was born on Tufte in 1766 by parents Ola Torsteinson and his
wife Randi Pedersdtr. Horpedal.
Anders be in 1792 married Brita Gutormsdtr. Langeteig and they lived
for a time at Torsnes but came to Bøyum in 1880. They had 5 children
that we know of, but the strange thing is that we can find out more
about either children or parents after 1822. They must have traveled
from the area.
Another farmer who lived on the farm was Ellend Eirikson Bøyum. He
was born in 1792 and was the brother of the owner of the farm.
Ellend was in 1828 married to Anna Sjovatsdtr. Øyjordi who was born
in 1803. Ellend was extremely careless with their domicile. It came
landslide and took his house, and the people had to save themselves
through the vent. So the houses were shifted forward from the hillside,
but also where he was involved in an accident. In a flood, some of the
houses his gone. and Ellend think it could be enough. In 1856 he
emigrated with his family to America. After that we can see had
Ellend and wife 7 children. Of these there were plenty more who had
already emigrated il America, for there were only two children left
when they traveled.
One of the sons was Arne Ellendson Bøyum. He was born in 1833 and
emigrated to America in 1853. He became a priest in Arendal,
Fillmore Co. Minnesota and this call had he to 1896. He was the
"church council member" from 1876 to 1887 and died in 1913. He
was married to Anna Supphellen.
Under farm 1 on Bøyum we now find Ola Lasseson Skeie. He was born in
1820 and married in 1856 with Gertrude Hansdtr. Tyri from Lærdal.
They lived here until about 1860 and traveled for this first Lærdal
and they later emigrated to America.
Jon Endreson Lidal took over this smallholding. He was born about 1830
and married in 1859 with Synneva Olsdtr Bøyum. They had 7 children.
Of these emigrated Ola, EWndre and John to America, Lars got a
smallholding on Bøyum farm, Johan had smallholding father some
time, and Mari and Unni, we know nothing about.
After this the smallholding closed.
Under Bøyum farm 1 Lars Lasseson Bøyum cleared a new croft. He
was born in 1843 and was married to Brita Jonsdtr. Husebø in 1870.
They had two children: Lasse who married Olina Eiriksdtr. Bøyum and
emigrated to America, and Berta who stayed on the smallholding.
Berta Larsdatter. married Stillaug Eiriksson Bøyum, and he took over
the smallholding after his father in law.
The father of Lars Lasseson had a smallholding on Bøyum-Svad. He
named Lasse Larsson and was born in Kringla in 1817. He was married
to Brita Johnsdtr. Mundal in 1844. They had 8 children. Lasse was
shoemaker beside being cotter. Of their children was Lars as we have
talked about over, John who married Synneva Nes Hafslo and emigrated
to America, Kari who married Eric Olson Nes and got a smallholding
below the Tufte farm, Anders, who also got a smallholding below
the Tufte farm, and then there was Berta and Anna which we know
nothing more about.
Under Farm 2 on Bøyum lived an elderly Lasse Larsson who was also
from Kringla. He was born in 1796 and married in 1824 with Sigrid
Larsdtr. Skarestad. They had 6 children: Lars who was unmarried,
Anna married Lasse Larsson Rødsæter, Synneva unmarried, Kari
married Lars Olson Ylheim who had a smallholding below the Stølen
farm. They emigrated later to America.
After this lived Johannes Andersson Skeie and his wife Kristina Olsdtr.
Hamre on the smallholding.
Another farmer below the farm 2 was Bjørn Olson Gjerde, Esefjord. He
was born in 1823 and married in 1848 with Mari Friksdtr. Fjærestad.
They lived for a long time in Teigen (Knurren) as tenants, but finally
came to Bøyum. They had nine children, but how many of those who grew up,
we do not know. Both parents and children emigrated to America.
The one who took over smallholding was Knut Larsson Rødsæter. He married
Marta Andersdtr. Skeie born in Viki.
On smallholding Bakkane stayed Sjur Larsson Fjærestad. He was born in 1839
and married in 1874 with Margareta Nilsdtr. Hatlestad. They had two children:
Lasse came to Mundal and Anna who married Hans Andersson Mundal.
After Sjur Lasseson came Jens Sjurson Ulvestad the smallholding. He was born
in Eiken in 1863 and was married to Kari Mikkjellsdtr Teigen.
Nils Lasseson Bøyum cleared a smallholding below the Bøyum farm. He was born
in 1852 and was married to Brita Håkonsdtr. Vangsnes, born 1856. Nils and
his wife had three children: Lasse who married Hardanger, Hans who lived
in Høyanger and Johanna who lived at home.
Besides those we have talked about before, we will bring some of those in the
recent past have had smallholding below the Tufte farms.
Under farm 1 has Mikkjell Mikkjellson Teigen who built a cotter. Mikkjell was
born in 1866 and was married to Brita Larsdtr. Bøyum. They had 3 sons:
Mikkjell who became a teacher in Strandebarm, Lasse teacher in Haugesund
and Edward who died while he was a theological student.
At another place in the same farm there was a time a Hans Olson Bøyum. He
was born in 1840 and was in 1865 married Brita Olsdtr. Husebø. They got
in 1866 a daughter, Kari, and in 1867 emigrated to America. The mother of
Hans, Sigrid Hansdtr, traveled with them.
After Hans Olson came Eirik Stillaugson Jordal at the same smallholding. Eric was
born in 1840 and in 1866 married Ingeborg Larsdtr. Rauboten. They had 8
children: Stillaug receiving a cotter under Bøyum farm, Kristi who was
on croft, Lovisa who married Johannes Hansson Mundal, Sigrid with Knut
Mundalsskreda, Kari Per Gulbrandsons Mundal, Olina who emigrated to
America and married Lasse Larsson Bøyum, Solveig married at Dale in
Sværefjorden, and Knut we do not know more about.
After Eirik got the son in law Nils Olsson Hamre the croft. He was married
to Kristi Eiriksdtr..
Under Farm 2 on Tufte had Ola Ivarson Teigen a cotter from about 1850.
Ola was born in 1822 and married in 1844 with Mari Mikkjellsdtr. Hamarnes.
They lived some years in Teigen before they came to Tufte. After that we
can see they got these kids: Sigrid, Ivar, Mikkjell, Ingeleiv, Ingeborg and
Ola. Of these Ingeleiv married Lasse Larsson Raubotn but the others can
not we see more of.
After Ola Ivarsson came Eirik Olson Nes from Veitestrondi to the croft.
He was born in 1847 and married in 1874 with Kari Lassedtr Bøyum. Of
their children emigrated Ola, Lasse and Anders to America, Brita
married Johan Jonson Bøyum and John was a farmer at Bøyum.
Under farm 3 on Tufte stayed there some time one Anders Lasseson Bøyum.
He was born in 1858 and got married down Olina Ambjørnsdtr. Munken born
in 1853.
Under farm 1 at Bøyum stayed Johannes Hansson Kråkenes. He was born in
1855 and was first married Brita Bjørnsdtr. Murmurings and later with
Lovisa Eiriksdtr. Bøyum. John lived first a time of Kringla and came
after That to Bøyum. He had three sons who all emigrated to America:
John, Hans and Sjur. Of these, Ola was a priest over there.